
Thursday, April 28, 2011

a steal of love


no, i haven't forgotten about you.  i'm just busy.

but, i gotta shout out some love to my hubby.  he's a sweet man.  he not only warmed the bed for me with heated wheat packs the other night (there's a long dangerous story about amputating his leg in there), but he watched How To Steal A Million with me on the weekend.


It's a cute movie, one of my many Audrey  flicks.

This made me very happy.

He watched To Catch A Thief a while back, too.
I now need to get my hands on a copy of North By Northwest
All you Hitchcock fans know what I'm talking about.

Should I cut my hair like this?
Gosh she's lovely.


  1. You could totally own it. You might cry over the loss of your hair though.

  2. Your wedding photos are a bit Hepburny - so much style! I wonder if Todd would watch some Hepburn movies with me, or is the honeymoon over?

  3. I agree with Kate. Your wedding pics are totally stylish Freja! Why don't you do a Hepburn girls movie night or is the point to expose the men to some " culture " ?
