
Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I am under the influence of much codine as I write this.

I'm not blogging for a few days.  I have loads of ideas and topics I want to blog about, and I am constantly jotting down quotes and thoughts as they come, when reading the Ensign or listening to devotionals for example, but now is not the time.  I have a few health issues to take care of first. 

One of the fruits of my current health is a really bad tooth infection, which has also sparked other problems.  Let's just say I empathise a little more with the Saviour and the pain He suffered.  So I have decided to re-prioritise things so I can become more nourished - both physically and spiritually.  Any suggestions on how to do that?  As I read Elder Perry's article in this month's Ensign, I realise the balancing act is still hard to do.

See you in a few days ..


  1. sorry to hear you are not doing well. and being a dental hygienist a tooth infection is not what i would wish upon my worst enemy much lest one of my best friends. hang in there. you are in my prayers.

    ps i ate thai today with chop stips and i thought of you

  2. You've made me think on this for a few days, it is a constant, we push ourselves to the limits then have to reprioritise. Last night I couldn't open my eyes I had the worst head-ache so feeling good physically is really important. Take time to recoup so when you give you can give so much more, and so much easily. Still searching for a balance ratio though...

  3. I'm much better these days, thanks guys. I'm still in and out of doctor's rooms and so forth, but it has been a great time to reflect and reprioritise.
