
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A happier fresh start.

Hello faithful followers!

I am really excited for this new year.  It might be a bit of a cliché  but gosh a new year is a great time to start fresh.  The weather here in Adelaide is very HOT, and yes it's sad we have so many bush fires at this time, but I love the feeling of wearing shorts and thongs (calm down, they're flip flops), being slightly tanned, and eating salads, salsas, and lots of ice blocks.

One of the things I've done so far in 2013 is quit my job.  I won't go into the details just yet, but I have been wanting to leave my job for some time due to a few negative experiences and the general feeling of unhappiness.

Continuing along that line of thought, Matthew and I have decided that our family motto for 2013 will be


2012 was such a fast-paced year of working long hours, monitoring furniture sale prices, eating lots of takeaway, and a few depressing times I can't quite talk about yet ... and while it was a great year because we bought our first house and had the best Christmas fun on Kangaroo Island (I'll blog about that one soon!), our bodies did suffer.
So I decided 2013 will be the year our family focuses on our bodies and minds, aiming to become healthier and happier.

How's this for a happiness manifesto for 2013:

You can find the manifesto and a great read on how to get a great start on the new year here.

Action item number one - resign from depressing job - done.
Action item number two - record my journey of finding happiness on this faithful blog - in progress.

I haven't quite gotten my act together just yet - there's a little more blog re-design to happen - but you should notice a new signature at the end of my posts.  Melissa Rose is a wonderfully talented graphic designer who kindly designed it for me!
Would you like a similar signature?  Melissa is offering my followers a free signature until January 15.

post signature


  1. Good luck for 2013, Freja! I'm so glad you're taking steps towards being happier. I believe strongly that we're meant to be happy and not miserable, so any change that sets you closer to (true) happiness, is wonderful.

  2. Wishing you lots of health and happiness for 2013! Oh and soak up some sun for me, will you? It's pretty grey here!
