
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Morning memories.

I recently read this post by Middle-aged Mormon Man, and instantly thought about my mother.
Not necessarily because it references a voice of thunder, but because I remembered how she used to get me out of bed each morning for seminary.

She would come into my room with a glass of water, prepared, and ask me to get up.

She would then proceed to dip her fingers in the water, and sprinkle me.

And if that didn’t work, she would tip the whole glass of water on me.

Ahh, memories ...

1 comment:

  1. oh man... early morning Seminary was the wooooorst!! I mean I loved it and I loved being spiritually uplifted for the day. but I HATED getting out of bed!! my dad would rub my face with a wet washcloth if I didn't get up. ugh..... parents, haha :)

    so so glad to have found your blog!! found you from the blog hop and I couldn't be more excited!

