
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

News of an exciting nature.

There are some kinds of exciting news that you simply can’t contain forever.

My other half is very good at not containing news.  He loves sharing happiness, even if it’s showcasing his new kicks or tees when they come in the mail.

A friend of mine over in Canada, however, turned that particular characteristic upside down when she announced her pregnancy on Facebook … at 38 weeks.  She contained that news rather well, I thought (although subtle hints had been made).

My news : I got a haircut!

Okay, that’s not really the news.  But I did get a haircut, and I thought I’d say so since last time I got it cut (a big cut AND colour), no one but one nephew noticed.  Just saying.

My other news : I got new glasses!

Okay, that's not really the news either.  But I gotta say it out loud, because I can't believe the choice I made.  I really gotta get use to them.

My real news : [drum roll]  we bought a house!

We literally found this beauty, bid on it, bid again to stay in the fight, and got everything approved within 30 days.  How crazy is that?  One month you are looking for a house, the next month you own a house and are in mucho debt.

As you can see, it's a small place on a big block.  Lots of dead grass to resurrect, and lots of running around space to chase little children.  (They'll have to be someone else's children, at the moment.)

We were so pleased that the carpets were all pink.  And smelt funny.  That's always a bonus.
And check out that ceiling rose, above that beautiful light fitting.  That's just one of four beauties throughout the house.

Of course, no house is complete without a pokey red kitchen.

Ahh dear.  Don't you just love that kitchen?  Bird baths, anyone?

I’d rather not let this blog slip into the DIY / renovation blogging abyss, but of course I want you all to be updated on our progress.  I have great plans for this little bit of the world, I assure you.  I am a visionary …

Be back soon with updates!  In less than a fortnight, so much has already been done …

p.s.  are you following the right blog?  Want chocolate?  Read on, dear friend ..

1 comment:

  1. congrats to you!! that is soo exciting...and so fun!! good luck on this great new adventure!!
    i am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.
