...continued from review part 6
After all we CAN do
Be honest now – what can we do on our own? Moses wasn’t far off when he exclaimed in Moses 1:10 “I know that man is nothing”. Our dependence upon the Saviour becomes more apparent to me as time goes on. I know that was what Moses learnt after God withdrew His presence following their friendly chat in Moses 1. Keep in mind, ‘nothing’ here means ‘powerless’, not ‘worthless’. You can still do “all things through Christ which strengtheneth me”.
After all we can DO
I like doing things. I like ticking things off a list as I do them. Doings help us to become more like Him in heaven, and more like the kind of people who will want to stay in heaven. The to-do list helps us – or is a means - to BE. And really, isn’t the ‘doing’ here all about using the enabling power of grace that we have been given?
Did you know that our well-loved children’s song I Am A Child of God was originally written as “teach me all that I must know”? I did. I can’t remember where I picked that up, but it was at the request of President Spencer W. Kimball that the word ‘know’ was changed to ‘do’. Knowledge is of better use to us when we act upon it.
The miracle of the atonement is that we can be changed; and that we WANT to be changed. And by changed, I don’t mean just cleansed, but transformed so that we want to be with Him. Otherwise we might be begging to leave His presence.
What we should be doing is ensuring we get the best resurrected body, to be and feel comfortable in heaven. God requires faith and repentance to make us want to change. Same with our higher standard of living. Our covenants, paying tithing and for missions – all these things are required for our change. That is the purpose of these things. We are practicing for heaven.
... more to come ... and thankyou for comments thus far! It helps to know you are reading and thinking ...
I loved his "we're Learning heaven, not Earning heaven" comment...
ReplyDeleteThanks Mari - that is a great comment! It makes a world of difference when you see things in that light ..